Day 6: Wait for It

Megathread guidelines

  • Keep top level comments as only solutions, if you want to say something other than a solution put it in a new post. (replies to comments can be whatever)
  • Code block support is not fully rolled out yet but likely will be in the middle of the event. Try to share solutions as both code blocks and using something such as , pastebin, or github (code blocks to future proof it for when 0.19 comes out and since code blocks currently function in some apps and some instances as well if they are running a 0.19 beta)


  • soulsource
    1 year ago

    [Language: Lean4]

    This one was straightforward, especially since Lean’s Floats are 64bits. There is one interesting piece in the solution though, and that’s the function that combines two integers, which I wrote because I want to use the same parse function for both parts. This combineNumbers function is interesting, because it needs a proof of termination to make the Lean4 compiler happy. Or, in other words, the compiler needs to be told that if n is larger than 0, n/10 is a strictly smaller integer than n. That proof actually exists in Lean’s standard library, but the compiler doesn’t find it by itself. Supplying it is as easy as invoking the simp tactic with that proof, and a proof that n is larger than 0.

    As with the previous days, I won’t post the full source here, just the relevant parts. The full solution is on github, including the main function of the program, that loads the input file and runs the solution.

    structure Race where
      timeLimit : Nat
      recordDistance : Nat
      deriving Repr
    private def parseLine (header : String) (input : String) : Except String (List Nat) := do
      if not $ input.startsWith header then
        throw s!"Unexpected line header: {header}, {input}"
      let input := input.drop header.length |> String.trim
      let numbers := input.split Char.isWhitespace
        |> String.trim
        |> List.filter (not ∘ String.isEmpty)
      numbers.mapM $ Option.toExcept s!"Failed to parse input line: Not a number {input}" ∘  String.toNat?
    def parse (input : String) : Except String (List Race) := do
      let lines := input.splitOn "\n"
        |> String.trim
        |> List.filter (not ∘ String.isEmpty)
      let (times, distances) ← match lines with
        | [times, distances] =>
          let times ← parseLine "Time:" times
          let distances ← parseLine "Distance:" distances
          pure (times, distances)
        | _ => throw "Failed to parse: there should be exactly 2 lines of input"
      if times.length != distances.length then
        throw "Input lines need to have the same number of, well, numbers."
      let pairs := distances
      if pairs = [] then
        throw "Input does not have at least one race."
      return $ uncurry
    -- okay, part 1 is a quadratic equation. Simple as can be
    -- s = v * tMoving
    -- s = tPressed * (tLimit - tPressed)
    -- (tPressed - tLimit) * tPressed + s = 0
    -- tPressed² - tPressed * tLimit + s = 0
    -- tPressed := tLimit / 2 ± √(tLimit² / 4 - s)
    -- beware: We need to _beat_ the record, so s here is the record + 1
    -- Inclusive! This is the smallest number that can win, and the largest number that can win
    private def Race.timeRangeToWin (input : Race) : (Nat × Nat) :=
      let tLimit  := input.timeLimit.toFloat
      let sRecord := input.recordDistance.toFloat
      let tlimitHalf := 0.5 * tLimit
      let theRoot := (tlimitHalf^2 - sRecord - 1.0).sqrt
      let lowerBound := tlimitHalf - theRoot
      let upperBound := tlimitHalf + theRoot
      let lowerBound := lowerBound.ceil.toUInt64.toNat
      let upperBound := upperBound.floor.toUInt64.toNat
    def part1 (input : List Race) : Nat :=
      let limits := Race.timeRangeToWin
      let counts := $ λ p ↦ p.snd - p.fst + 1 -- inclusive range
      counts.foldl (· * ·) 1
    -- part2 is the same thing, but here we need to be careful.
    -- namely, careful about the precision of Float. Which luckily is enough, as confirmed by pen&paper
    -- but _barely_ enough.
    -- If Lean's Float were an actual C float and not a C double, this would not work.
    -- we need to concatenate the numbers again (because I don't want to make a separate parse for part2)
    private def combineNumbers (left : Nat) (right : Nat) : Nat :=
      let rec countDigits := λ (s : Nat) (n : Nat) ↦
        if p : n > 0 then
          have : n > n / 10 := by simp[p, Nat.div_lt_self]
          countDigits (s+1) (n/10)
      let d := if right = 0 then 1 else countDigits 0 right
      left * (10^d) + right
    def part2 (input : List Race) : Nat :=
      let timeLimits := Race.timeLimit
      let timeLimit := timeLimits.foldl combineNumbers 0
      let records := Race.recordDistance
      let record := records.foldl combineNumbers 0
      let limits := Race.timeRangeToWin $ {timeLimit := timeLimit, recordDistance := record}
      limits.snd - limits.fst + 1 -- inclusive range
    open DayPart
    instance : Parse ⟨6, by simp⟩ (ι := List Race) where
      parse := parse
    instance : Part ⟨6, _⟩ Parts.One (ι := List Race) (ρ := Nat) where
      run := some ∘ part1
    instance : Part ⟨6, _⟩ Parts.Two (ι := List Race) (ρ := Nat) where
      run := some ∘ part2