The inspector-general of taxation is investigating the theft and hijacking of personal information that has allowed millions of dollars of tax fraud by professional scammers.

The inspector-general of taxation believes millions of dollars is being lost through fraudulent access to myGov ATO accounts
Once inside the account, scammers redirect tax refunds to their own bank accounts, sometimes creating bogus claims

“It does rattle confidence in the tax system,” Ms Payne told the ABC’s AM program.

"How many of those tax debts have been created because people have fraudulently accessed people’s personal details to claim refunds they’re not entitled to?

“How has somebody been able to infiltrate the tax system?”

  • DogMuffins
    1 year ago

    Not really.

    Cancel all mygov accounts that are using secret questions as 2 factor auth. Job done.

    Most of the “scammers” are peoples junkie kids. I shit you not.

    They can’t / won’t do that though because then you can’t blame old / poor people for being old / poor and not being able to access services.