In the end, the KIA car company made its cars into subscription models, I really hate this because in the end the car we buy with our own money doesn’t feel like it belongs to us. Should we finally buy an old school car ? so as not to be affected by this subscription models or is there a way to crack the software installed in it ?

  • jol
    5 months ago

    You can absolutely fuck with your car and install after market parts. But your car still needs to pass a minimum level of road safety. That’s for the common good. I mean things like having correct lights, crumple zones, brakes, mirrors etc. Now if you want to make a car that runs on used kit hen scraps I totally think you should. We should own. Own devices including their computer system. But I don’t just the average Joe with the parts that keep me safe from them.

    Also, this might not shock you, but cars also used to suck in many ways. Not everything from the past is good.

      5 months ago

      That’s for the common good

      The issue is normalizing the concept that you do not get to control what you paid for. Responsibility has not changed, you can drive your car into a crowded park and would still be guilty of it regardless of how stock it is. If you mod your stuff to be dangerous that would be a crime. In this case would you say that remote starting your car from your phone somehow is a public safety issue? At least if you jailbroke it to work on your own network?