this is the first time in many years of my GNU/Linux journey that I saw a BSOD. on my office machine BTW. personal machine has never crashed even once.
the crash was due to 100% RAM and swap usage.

image description:
a mobile-clicked photo of a laptop screen. the background is full black with a sad computer image in the middle. the text below it reads: “Oh no! something has gone wrong. A problem has occurred and the system can’t recover. Please log out and try again.”
just below it is a small button with the text “log out”

    94 months ago

    Oooh, this blokes found a beauty! I haven’t seen one of those since I used an Eee PC with Debian as my daily driver. It has a whopping 1, I repeat, ONE GIGAbyte of RAM.

    • @lemmesayOP
      74 months ago

      Debian is just rock solid. no matter if you use it on 1 or 16gb, it just doesn’t die.

    • Possibly linux
      24 months ago

      1 GB is fine for web browsing. Just make sure you have some swap and a SSD.