Moderates would rather lose to fascists than compromise with leftists and progressives.

  • Uvine_Umbra
    1 year ago

    Do you prefer Trump?

    “That’s not the point!!! The mode-”

    So you’d prefer Trump.

    “Listen, Joe is commiting geno-”

    Trump literally bankrolled anything Netanyahu wanted while in power. Remember the map they made together for a free Palestine in 2016?

    “Well he-” so would anything of your progressive agenda do better under Trump?

    “We need a revolu-” yeah, it’s happening. The USA is slowly becoming an xenophobic anarcho-capitalist religious theocracy for the old & rich. Accelerates greatly when Trump holds power.

    “I just won’t vote either!!!”

    Ok. Go ahead. Just don’t complain later when Israel has a $150 billion dollar defense bill coming its way versus 15 billion. You likely will regardless though.

    Also unions are being nailed to the cross for all to see 🤷🏿‍♂️. They are trialing it in Florida rn, his role model state.

    Cant wait to see this as Federal policy right? They’ll try.

    Your call though. Im saving up all I can so my friends & I can be safe when shit falls off the cliff.

    “You literally didn’t respond to a single point I made!!!”

    Keep crying troll.