Over the past few years I’ve accumulated way too much random electronics parts and pieces from projects and random Aliexpress shopping sprees. I figured I’d split it out into various “packs”, but I can move things around as desired (or combine things). It’s all free + shipping, I can ship however you want but default is the cheapest possible option, usually USPS in the US.

The following are not exhaustive, since I found some more stuff after I took the photos and threw it in to the appropriate box, but it should roughly fit the category and I don’t think there’s anything too significant. Write a comment if you want something and we can arrange shipping!


  • Mostly just random wire scraps, useful for breadboards or other stuff.
  • Two breadboard wire packs
  • Spool of RGBW LED Strip cable (5 conductors)
  • RGB (4 conductors) cable with some 1mm pin connectors soldered
  • Random connector attached to silicone cable
  • Couple spools of solid bare wire


  • Mostly just random things with 3.5mm jacks on the end of them


  • Random connectors that I’ve built up. All are visible in the pic.


  • Various Arduino/ESP boards
  • LCD Displays
  • 2 Proton devboards
  • Various RF and NFC stuff
  • Bag full of MOSFETs and Transistors
  • Adjustable buck and boost converters
  • Raspberry Pi Camera
  • Bunch of other random stuff, see pic

AC-DC Power Supplies

  • Various power supplies, outputting either 12 or 5V.
  • One 5v USB plug


  • Random components, including some SMD stuff and capacitors
  • danielhepOP
    2 years ago

    Thanks for the note. I meant to crop it and forgot to! Either way, since I’m about to move (hence the downsizing), so no big deal.