Somewhat bewildered by the millions of Aeropress recipes on youtube, I’m wondering if daily users end up settling into a reliable, simple process that’s similar from person to person.

In particular, I note that my method (basically a french press) is vastly different from the one in the instructions which is ground much finer, uses less water, and starts dripping through the filter immediately.

Anyway, here’s me:

  • 12g mild-roast (coarse ground a touch finer than most people would use for a french press, done with a C2)
  • inverted
  • one filter paper, not washed, but damp enough to stick
  • fresh boiled water (so probs 95°+) 180g
  • stir enough to break up the floaties
  • push the plunger in far enough that the liquid is almost at the top before I put the filter on
  • tip over and start plunging at 1:30, finish by 2:00
  • into ~70g warmed milk

I’d love to hear yours.

  • beeng
    10 months ago

    15g, inverted, wet filter, hand grinder to between espresso and pour over grain size. No stir, water all at once, fast. Wait until grains start to fall +2mins, plunge.