Virus Total Link YouTube ReVanced is an unofficial mod of the original YouTube app, which offers additional features such as ad-blocking, background playback, and more. While it’s not officially endorsed by YouTube, ReVanced is considered safe to use as it does not contain any malicious code or malware. However, users should always exercise caution when downloading apps from third-party sources, as there is a potential risk of downloading a malicious version of the app. It’s recommended to download ReVanced from trusted sources and avoid downloading any unverified versions that may compromise your device’s security. Download Links:

    • TWeaK
      01 year ago

      Yeah I agree, but the trouble is you can’t just download from github. You have to also download YouTube from google (and a specific older version at that) and then use ReVanced to modify - and that’s if it even works for you. This creates a barrier to entry that many people just won’t bother with.

        01 year ago

        Agree, but just like OP said “there is a potential risk of downloading a malicious version of the app” how do i know if links for download are safe, i could just give you this link ( from r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH and say they work for me best… I am just saying people need to be more careful what they are downloading and not trusting some random people from internet including ME

  • Dessalines
    01 year ago

    What benefits does it have over NewPipe / NewPipe + SponsorBlock?

      31 year ago

      Logging in to your account with all it implies: Being able to like and comment, history shared across devices, subscriptions (although there’s ways to import your subscriptions into NewPipe but it’s hacky), recommendations, etc. If you want this, NewPipe won’t do it as it has no way to log in. Many people don’t anyway, but a lot do.