For some reason I can’t find any recent posts on this sub, might be an error?

Anyway, its’s back to the grind after a holiday for me. Started with upper body workout at home today, and I had fun doing weighted (incline) push ups. Tomorrow I will go running and do some leg exercises.

I have an increasing urge to start developing more useful physical strength with running and fighting, because I’m slightly paranoid about the increase of fascism in Western Europe. Many times I have urged the party to allow me to set up a physical development group in our party, but nothing much has come from it yet. Though I must say that before I used to do it because I thought it would be fun to lift with like minded tankies. But I might change my tone to urge the importance of at least some developed physical branch of the party in case shit hits the fan. My paranoia is probably fueled by recently reading books like The Jakarta Method and some fiction books in which war and riots suddenly break out. It would be naive of me to think it will not happen here and I’d rather be a bit paranoid and ready than surprised.

Anyway, how is your lifting going?

    1 year ago

    Tbh much of a reasom I got into physical excercise foe the first time in my life was exacly this - I strongly suspect that there will be a civil war in my country and I want to be ready.

    I have been in the gym since Octover and will start boxing in around two weeks. Since I’ve always neglected my body, suddenly workinng out for 6-8 h per week, lifting, dokng my first pullups and losing 15 kg of weight just felt - amazing.

  • Chay ☭
    1 year ago

    It’s going rather well. I’m following an adapted version of the Phraks routine that’s on the Wiki. At the moment, I’m doing around 20kg to get some base muscle then begin the progression, since in the beginning I couldn’t do it whatsoever, now it’s getting better. I also seem to be able to stand straight on a chair easier, probably my back muscles getting more work.

    1 year ago

    I have been getting back to it after more than a month off but I al also battling a herniated disk. At least I’m an 90% certain it is. I do this stretch where I press on my hips/thighs with my arms while relaxing all my back muscles and basically it decompresses my back. Well a while back I was having some pain in my legs and I did this stretch and felt a VERY deep thunk/pop in the middle of my back. Not like as if you popped a joint but much deeper and more “internal.” Almost like something shifted or moved in there. Well the leg pain went away almost immediately. Which means it was all nerves and based on that and the way other movements and stretches impact it I am pretty certain it’s a legit disk issue. I am managing it currently. Getting into my doctor’s soon and going to ask for an MRI or the area. It actually seems to bother me way less when I am actively working out regularly than if I am not.