I used slackware decades ago. Didn’t know it was still around. Why would I use slackware over something like arch?
No systemd for one thing. Arch is a rolling release but Slackware only updates things when necessary.
If you are adventurous, you can run slackware-current. It is “not” recommended, but is also pretty stable if you want a bleeding edge Slackware experience.
Yes, current is closely the equivalent of a rolling distro. Its still more stable than other OS’s which start with a W
Why would I use slackware over something like arch?
If you want something like Arch, but stable.
It’s still around. Stable is 15.0 and still maintained by Patt!
Why would I use slackware over something like arch?
Traditional Unix like approach, stability, nice community. But, it would depend on what you want and look for in an OS. Arch is good too.
It’s still kickin