Mastercard has told financial institutions to stop allowing marijuana transactions on its debit cards, dealing a blow to an industry already on the fringes of the financial system in the United States.
You do realize that there are no banks in the United States that will allow marijuana related business to work with them either, right?
It’s highly illegal under federal law. My business is done business with marijuana related businesses in the past, and they all have to operate with cash and hand only. It’s insane.
Nothing like carrying a suitcase full of $250,000 in small sequential unmarked bills to the bank you know…
You do realize that there are no banks in the United States that will allow marijuana related business to work with them either, right?
It’s highly illegal under federal law. My business is done business with marijuana related businesses in the past, and they all have to operate with cash and hand only. It’s insane.
Nothing like carrying a suitcase full of $250,000 in small sequential unmarked bills to the bank you know…