
  • [Calendar] Allow empty state with placeholder in date input (VB-104051)
  • [Calendar] Events move slightly when selected (VB-104069)
  • [Chromium] Upgraded to 122.0.6261.68
  • [Mail] Add possibility to choose a date range, before/after selection when searching (VB-103342)
  • [Mail] Error setting up mail account (VB-104075)
  • [Mail] Restore DB from stored files, if it is corrupted (VB-63995)
  • [Mail] Switch sent date with Today/Week/Month for simple date input (VB-104130
  • [Mail] Filters dialog does not display correctly in some languages (VB-103958)
  • [Panels] Empty window panel after sort order change (VB-104040)
  • [Tabs] Periodic reload indicator is not shown in active tab (VB-103730)
  • [Themes] Update background image on Vivaldi theme (VB-104042)
  • [Translate] Does not translate the whole page: further work in progress (VB-80995)