My bootloader is often “Not found” because HP’s UEFI deletes non-Windows boot entries after booting up from external drives. The correct boot entries cannot be put back from within UEFI, but instead you need to use tools like efibootmgr (Linux) or Bootice (Windows). I use the latter as it’s in Hiren’s Boot CD.
My bootloader is often “Not found” because HP’s UEFI deletes non-Windows boot entries after booting up from external drives. The correct boot entries cannot be put back from within UEFI, but instead you need to use tools like efibootmgr (Linux) or Bootice (Windows). I use the latter as it’s in Hiren’s Boot CD.
Thank fuck my ancient HP laptop doesn’t do this and my desktop is also running fine ever since figured out at least one pitfall of a dual-boot.
Bootice sounds like a hooker name.