Someone who knows me IRL, as in by name, reported me to the Estonian State Security Agency probably for that one time I flipped the bird at the Foreign Ministry or attending a Palestinian rally, waving both the South African and Palestinian flag, while donning a keffiyeh and one of those fancy hats from Nigeria. Most likely they recognized me from pictures taken.
UPDATE: The 3-hours long discussion was nowhere near as horrific as I’d envision. Even in this BalticraKKKer land, I was able to pretty openly like… quite literally, post. To put it briefly, it was basically explaining historic/material analysis and what critical support means. In the least likeliest of all places, lmao.
You’re great. A wonderful poster but please
and stay low for a little while.
I am taking necessary precautions to prevent my Hexbear activity from being seen (even scrubbed the emojis and post screenies from my devices and uploaded a .7zip backup to a friend). If I had a trace of my Hexbear activity on anything related to IRL, I would already have left and be in Kenya/Ethiopia right now most likely, waiting for a transit flight. A fair bit of my posts are
to :estonia-burning:.
I will be off before I go to sleep.
Good luck comrade, and fuck the aptly-named kapo
Good luck, be safe