The official Steam page for Deep Silver and Starbreeze’s PAYDAY 3 game has been updated to show the use of this ever-controversial third-party DRM.

      1 年前

      Hi, I have enough energy to help you out.

      I focused my mind and routed energy into my right index finger. I used my finger to maneuver my mouse wheel to gently complete a scrolling action to shift the web page up, but only ever so slightly. This maneuver allows me to find my comment quickly where I provided the answer.

      Exhausted, but not yet beaten, I steeled my mind to locate the hyperlink to this comment. I did this by right clicking and copying the link to my clipboard

      “not yet!” I screamed defiantly. I was not yet beaten. I had one final thing to complete before my journey ends - I need to provide this link to you.

      With my last breaths, I channeled the last of my energy to complete a paste action to provide you the hyperlink to my comment.

      Exhausted, spent, and my life force drained, I present to you my last hoorah. My greatest achievement. I provide you with the hyperlink to my comment. Cherish this moment.

      Now that I have completed my assignment, I can now retire from this realm. My journey is over, and I’m proud of myself for being able to help you. Good luck in your journeys, and always remember me as the person who delivered you my comment. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your patience. I can retire, satisfied.