credit to artist methsyndicate, they sell little batches of fun stuff. I found this in some of their old, long sold, listings. I got this from them
This is the kind of shirt you wear to meet your SOs parents for the first time
Or to the date that makes them your SO. It’s a test of character.
Ah, yes. I would love it if a woman showed up to our first date wearing it
He is a great actor. Can you really call yourself an actor if you can’t act like you’re pissing?
I have a long standing desire to meet famous people and tell them how amazing I thought they were in the least artistically impressive thing they were in. Joe Mantegna in Airheads, Geoffrey Rush in Mystery Men, Steve Buscemi in Airheads, Matt Damon in Dogma… you get the idea.
Now I’m going to add, getting Tom Hanks to sign this.
Hey now, Mystery Men is an absolute masterpiece
I could write a very lengthy piece on why I agree with you, but the depth and subtlety of the characters and acting would not be mentioned.
At least two of those are from The Green Mile
Omt Shank is a great actor