Why was it there in the first place I wonder?

  • NOT_RICK@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    China doesn’t engage in debt traps?


    Seems to me they’re doing it plenty and obfuscating as much as they can. State capitalism is still capitalism and they sure seem to have bought into the predatory loan part. But hey, like I said, they’re just working in their own self interest.

    If China could be the unipolar power of the world they would go for it. They talk about a multipolar future because it sounds nice while they strong arm all their neighbors over their imaginary nine dotted line. I don’t expect China and Russia to ‘do a westy’, they’re already doing their own brand of selfish foreign policy.

    I find it’s fascinating how you can harp on the west for their myriad of sins while ignoring Chinese state capitalism which extracts wealth in the same manner you criticize and Russian oligarchical kleptocracy just because the west sucks too. Both nations have imperial holdings, ask the Chechens or the Tibetans. At least I’m able to criticize my country’s bullshit without being locked up.