It’s exactly the same as their regular accents except every third sentence is, “Jesus Tapdancing Christ it is fucking cold in here, somebody turn up the heat!”
And every fourth sentence is, “God damn it, I stepped in penguin shit again!”
It’s kind of amazing how the human brain can rewire itself like this. It’s like a completely new accent that was spawned from isolation. Jesus Tapdancing Christ its fucking cold in here. God damn it, I stepped in penguin shit again!
Sounds like a very… inefficient way of speaking, but who am I to judge?
That depends entirely on how much penguin shit there is to step in.
And the fifth is, “Windows found some shredded long johns, but the name-tag was missing.”
Why don’t we just… wait here for a little while… see what happens?
Sweet baby Jesus and the orphans!
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I miss that show.
Lang Belta is a full language. This seems to just be some different sounding words and phrases. So, closer to the way those dirty Dusters speak.
Half as Interesting did a video on this a few years ago, if you want a bit more humorous presentation on the subject.