No, Donny, these men are nihilists. There’s nothing to be afraid of.
Given the people who talk about pills are misogynists, it probably means brainwashed by the “feminazis.”
Cheer up a little. The article’s timing is just poor. There was a news story a short while ago that the new reformist President has ordered the morality police to curb their enforcement of the dress code for women. No, it’s not release of past protesters, but it’s a step in the right direction.
Most Iranians hate the religious police, but democracy is weak in the country. The Supreme Leader and the religious council have frequently removed reformers from the ballot. It’s practically one party rule like China.
Isn’t the straightforward answer to his question that people don’t want Harris or Biden dead enough to put themselves at risk of death or arrest?
Why be baffled when the answer is obvious?
Defying the law can beget legal violence. But due process is preferred.
Myopic would be not realizing supporting political violence will get people you support killed too. We need to hope that it can be made harder to kill candidates and those in office going forward.
This is the Irish Star reporting on what Mirror US said about what happened on a TV show.
How are Noem and Cricket involved here?
In Mbin this is “related” to the Cheney-Thomas article and displays Liz’s picture.
Not just that. Ill-tempered sabertoothed salmon.
It’s well known that melanin inhibits hatred of other cultures.
Once again, I am proven correct!
It’s a slur now. Before it was an insult.
One day redneck and hillbilly will be considered slurs too. Mark my words.
If they say Trump’s winning, it’s a trick to make Democrats think it’s lost and stay home. If they say Trump’s losing, it’s a trick to make Democrats think they’ve won and stay home.
Maybe sometimes people just want to share opinions about what’s going on. We should vote regardless, but not everything is a trick.
This was one of the many frustrating things about his Presidency. So many times he was reporting on what “someone” was saying was going on in the government. Motherfucker, you’ve got a big slice of the government working for you. Why don’t you find out from them what’s going on?
Yeah, I’d say an online poll is about as accurate a pulse of the people’s opinions as a YouTube comment section.
Trespassing should never be illegal if you are “trespassing up,” meaning you are trespassing on the land of someone with more wealth than you.