My dad is 56 years old. He’s a blue-collar worker. He and my mom live here:

Dad uses an iphone and the internet, but he’s not very good with them. Also he’s not great at writing (spelling and grammar). Short messages are okay, but overall, it’s a bit difficult for him. He prefers sending voice messages because for him typing is tough and speaking is quicker and easier:

In 2023 he got caught up in all sorts of bureaucratic procedures (due to a fire incident), needing to write letters to government offices, courts, and so on. At first, my mum helped.

But then he asked me if there was a program that could turn his spoken words into written letters for different government offices.

It inspired me. I started developing it with my friends. And we made this:

We made it mainly for my dad. He can talk into it, and it changes his not-so-clear speech into good writing that he can send to the authorities. We also noticed he used the app to congratulate my girlfriend on her birthday. He definitely couldn’t have written those messages himself, he doesn’t want to seem silly :))

We’ve just started, and we have 500 users, and a few paid subscriptions. But we’ll make the app better for not only my dad but also for other segments.

At least, I’ve got one loyal client :))

!If you want, you can try the app. It’s called Letterly, and you can download it from the App Store:!<