Ich zitiere einen wohl bekannten elektronischen Tanzmusik Macher Hans Peter Geerdes:
Lass uns tanzen oder ficken oder beides Denn morgen sind wir tot
An Karfreitag darf man ja kein Fleisch essen, nur Fisch. Ob Hans Peter Geerdes zu dessen Erwerb auch etwas beizutragen hat?
Wieviel der Fisch kostet habe ich gefragt.
Der ist hyperteuer
Das kommt dann hinterher in der Sakristei.
can someone explain to me why im seeing so many german posts about dancing today? Does it have something to do with easter and the holy week?
Good Friday is classified as a „quiet holiday“ (there are some more). On such holidays it is against the law to dance in public, clubs and dancing bars have to keep closed, even sports events and some movies are not allowed. It is governed by federal law, so there are quite some differences throughout the country. Good friday is one of the strictest days, so the activities have to be stopped already on thursday evening and they are suspended way into saturday. Although the influence by christian churches is declining, those are some of the rules that are still in place and meanwhile fought against by various groups.
Today, it is forbidden to dance in Germany.