For the average consumer it just isn’t the same without being screwed by big companies.
For the average consumer it just isn’t the same without being screwed by big companies.
I wasn’t aware that it was only about Signal. Thought messengers in general must be able to communicate with each other.
Riddick was awesome and I’m tired pretending that it was not
So direkt find ich besser. Das gestückelte kann bei Reddit bleiben.
Ich hab Lust paar CxUlern die Fresse zu polieren… in Minecraft natürlich.
Burger units in science memes? Get out.
Social Media was a mistake anyways. Let the corporations burn, I don’t care what Meta does or will do, because I don’t use anything from them.
Spiele Rechner mit Sonnenschein und Dampf Großes Bild, schon kann man mit Mondlicht alles spielen worauf man will: Fernseher, Schlaufon oder Tablett.
Dachte eigentlich CDU Wähler. Aber ist ja fast dasselbe.
Live service games generate a constant income with minimal effort once it’s live. It will only die if players stop spending money on such games.
Why did they make an expensive game like Concord which nobody wanted? Don’t they have market analysts or something like that? Everyone was able to tell them beforehand that it will flop.
Allianz-Chef Bäte
Hm ja, der arme hat regelmäßig Einbußen und kann sich sicherlich statt 50 Porsche im Jahr nur 49 leisten.
The missing comma is what makes it mistakable
She is a baby. I guess she was on some good stuff.
I’m an outsider and can judge objectively.
Can’t wait… for a Switch 2 emulator
Dude, this is what the US wants you to believe. Actually the USA is a third world hell hole. I’m from Europe and I’d rather live in China than in the USA.
It will be interesting to see how the
ChineseUS government responds to this
I had to chuckle