While the COVID-19 pandemic spurred significant progress in expanding rural home internet access, these gains are proving temporary as resources dwindle.
If those greedy ISP’s hadn’t just pocketed all of that federal broadband funding that’s been handed out over the past couple decades, a lot more people would have access to high speed internet by now.
I know you’re joking, but it would still be better to have a bit less funding and much stricter enforcement than our current already-small funding + nonexistent enforcement.
Like all of those pandemic restaurant business funds that got sucked up by massive restaurant chains and hardly anyone else.
If those greedy ISP’s hadn’t just pocketed all of that federal broadband funding that’s been handed out over the past couple decades, a lot more people would have access to high speed internet by now.
What, you want funding and enforcement???
I know you’re joking, but it would still be better to have a bit less funding and much stricter enforcement than our current already-small funding + nonexistent enforcement.
Like all of those pandemic restaurant business funds that got sucked up by massive restaurant chains and hardly anyone else.
It’s almost as if we should be clawing that money back instead of watching them take it and rack up massive profits at the same time.