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Does anyone have experience with Tenable products?
I’m interested in real world experience regarding:
- cost
- effectiveness
- ease of use
I’m playing with Tenable Security Center and Nessus Scanner. I’m early in the deployment, just looking for pointers and whether anyone has used it?
What alternatives is your org using if not?
Can you compare?
Edit, if anyone is interested, I can post results and opinions here also.
I’ve used Tenable Nessus Professional, and Tenable Security Center and both work well in their categories. Nessus Professional is a portable Nessus scanner a security person can take with them to do adhoc scans. Security Center (aka is a vulnerability management solution for an enterprise.
Their competition is Rapid7 and Qualys, but I can’t speak to those myself.
Makes sense. Thanks. I have heard of R7. Had not heard of Qualys.