I’m going to an event soon and the last time I was there there were some of those awful street preachers with megaphones shouting bigotry. They’re a nuisance and nobody wants them there, but it’s a public festival and evidentially they’re allowed to be there.

I tried looking online (reddit-logo)and most of the advice was stupid lib shit, ranging from, “Call the cops and tell them they’re violating statute blah blah blah” or, “Just ignore them, you can’t change their minds and engaging just feeds their persecution complex.” Obviously the cops do nothing, I don’t care about changing their minds or what they think I just want to shut them up. But I also don’t want to get arrested and if possible, it’d be nice to avoid disturbing the other people further.

Most likely, I’m just gonna have to endure it, but I thought I’d raise the question for brainstorming bc it feels like a common enough situation that other people will encounter it too. Best I can think is screaming something back at them emilie-shrug

UPDATE: I ended up just wearing a bunch of pride stuff and then they weren’t even there lol

  • krolden@lemmy.ml
    11 months ago

    Ive found most people standing on a street corner with a megaphone to have the same mentality. They just want to annoy as many people as possible which somehow validates their own opinions.

    Obviously I’m talking about the religious and really nutty ones, mostly.