I mean, I assume it’s real. But I went there out of curiosity and they share these - sometimes obvious - fake articles or Instagram photos as “proof” that Ukrainians are all nazis. It’s all so silly, I can’t phantom the idea that it’s not just satire. Unlike China they have internet access to everything in Russia, right?

  • novibe@lemmy.ml
    1 year ago

    People unironically think China is isolated from the world and have no access to the internet? Have any of you ever even met a Chinese person? Lmao

    In any case, Lemmygrad is serious and satire at the same time. It’s filled with shitposting, but from communists and not the usual nazis from most other “anti-Liberal” social media places.

    But there are more serious communities in there, not just shitposting. But they are ML, like “tankies”. So if you’re a Liberal, just don’t go there? Lol