The second side continues:


Our Troops are yearning for God’s Word. One Army Chaplain wrote us: *We have been out of Bibles for a while now, and the Soldiers are starving for God’s Word." Another Chaplain writes,’ *I was overwhelmed at the demand. … I gave away every Bible I had available and some of my Soldiers were asking for more"

Will you help give our Troops the Bibles they are asking for? We receive requests just like these - for thousands of Bibles each month - from Chaplains, Troops, and other Service Members.

So I write to you, praying you will respond. When you provide a Bible to a brave American warrior, you will become part of an American spiritual tradition.

You see, American Bible Society has been giving Bibles directly to Service Members since 1817. In fact, American Bible Society was formed in 1816 by many of the founders of our nation.

These statesmen realized - as I trust vou do - that America’s survival and well-being depend on widespread Bible engagement among our citizens, including the military. They believed the Scriptures: “Human beings cannot live on bread alone, but need every word that God speaks” (Matthew 4:46 GNT).

American Bible Society provides millions of Bibles to people in every part of our nation and beyond, including thousands to our nation’s Service Members!

But we can only sustain these efforts with help from more Americans like you. Will you please help with your gift to send a Bible to our brave Troops?

The need is so immense that we must act now to raise $270,000 to provide Bibles for our Troops. And please pray for the brave men and women who have responded to the call of duty for you and me. Thank you! Yours in Christ,

Paul Cleckner

Chief Executive Officer

American Bible Society

P.S. So many of our Service Members far from home face uncertainty, loneliness, and fear every day. But you can help them by sending them God’s Word! Please hurry. Thank you for blessing those who are serving us so faithfully!

Aren’t bibles pretty easy to access? Can’t people just read the Bible on their phone if they want to? How is this the most pressing issue right now? Oh, amerikkka depends on getting bibles for the troops for its survival? Great, I won’t give.

    1 年前

    “Protect our freedoms”. How? Which freedoms are threatened by middle-eastern farmers and ranchers? Which freedom are soldiers stationed in South Korea, which commit a staggering amount of sexual assault, protecting? Or in Japan, where they terrorize the locals in Ryukyu? Can’t imagine why they are enduring hardship and hostility when they murder and assault the locals. My fascist brother (we aren’t on speaking terms) came back from a military construction contract he had in Afghanistan, laughing about a time he saw civilians killed.

    Which soldier is so devout as to want to read the bible while on deployment, but not devout enough to have brought one with them or availed themselves of the hundreds of free versions online?