It’s been a long time in the making, but this is the happiest I’ve been with my board for a while.
Signal chain: TU2 -> Blues Driver -> Vox Valvetone -> Diezl VH4-2 -> Wampler Pinnacle Deluxe v1 -> Wampler Pantheon -> EHX Rams Head Big Muff -> Mooer E-Lady -> Front of amp
FX Send -> TC Electronic Flashback 2 -> EHX Oceans 11 -> FX Return.
Running it all in to a Peavey Classic 20 Mini Head and a Harley Benton 1x12 cab with Vintage 30 speakers. The little red pedal is plugged in to the amp to toggle the channels (clean / OD) and the boost (on / off).
Considering it’s by far and away the biggest pedal on the board, the VH4-2 probably gets the least amount of use. But what it does is so unique that I’m not getting rid of it.
The Oceans 11 is my most used pedal as it’s never off. Otherwise I use the Pinnacle the most. It has such a good tone that reacts to the volume knob on the guitar so well. I find I can do almost any OD / distortion sound I want from it.
The Pantheon, BD2, Valvetone and Rams Head all do their particular thing that the amp and Pinnacle can’t. So even though there’s a lot of drive pedals here I don’t feel like there’s much overlap at all. It means I can play Gilmour one minute, then Tool the next, Van Halen another and Clapton another.
Stuff no longer on the board: TC Electronic mojomojo (too similar to other things), Boss DS-2 (not my kind of sound these days), Behringer noise gate (turned out my noise issues were caused by a Boss RC1), Behringer CS400 compressor (I want to like it and maybe I’ll put it back on but I haven’t been able to get what I want out of it).
What modes to you gravitate to on the Oceans 11 and Flashback?