Erotic roleplaying is not unique to furries, but it’s interesting how widespread it is.

While not for everyone, I haven’t found an online community where ERPing is more prevalent (although I might be wrong).

So, question time: do you ERP? I do love it, but I really do it extremely seldomly or actually not at all due to the huge amount of time it requires to do a proper scene. And when I cum I always feel bad for the time I’ve “wasted”.

    1 year ago

    Of all the things I haven’t had time for in far too long, I miss ERP the most.

    However, I don’t know if ERP is really even the right term for me, because I’m basically never roleplaying a character that’s distinct from me. The collaboratively created setting and actions can be far more real to me than actual reality.

    My species dysphoria runs so strong that even when I’m having sex in real life, if I want to get off I have to focus on an imagined version of events where I’m in a more true form (feral). This is not from a disinterest in real-life sex, anything but! (It should say a lot that I never put PrEP on pause even during the height of the pandemic.) Rather, my point is that in a way, sex is kinda always ERP, at least to me inside my head.

    As for where: I miss the days before F-List went off the rails in a bizarrely anti-privacy way by permitting FFA to exist instead of banning it for enabling creepy/abusive record-keeping of otherwise ephemeral LFRP postings. I haven’t felt safe on that platform since that became a thing.

    I also dearly miss the days when just chatting with people would rather often naturally segue into ERP. (Am I crazy for blaming the decline of that on smartphones?)

    • Queen
      1 year ago

      Eh I’d blame the decline of that more on the death of mIRC, and yeah I actually don’t like sex, but give me erotic roleplay and I’m there for the day!

      I run my own ERP server on Discord, it seems like there used to be more of them, maybe that’s my imagination.