33% say Biden was a sucesss. 50% say Trump was a success. Not looking good for Biden.

  • thantik@lemmy.world
    11 months ago

    The difference being – Biden voters are mostly voting for him because the alternative is Trump. The same reason everyone voted for Trump: Because Trump wasn’t Hillary.

    Republicans keep pushing this anti-abortion stance, and they’re gonna lose a lot of women voters as well. We’re seeing the death-throes of a dying ideology. All because they’re mad a black man became president in the first place.

    Trump doesn’t end up winning in this next election cycle; I live in a deeeeeeep red area that was once blue in the past – many here have become Never-Trumpers, despite being hardcore repubs. He’s gonna lose again, and everyone will remember that there are good reasons that we don’t run losers in the presidential race a second time…