REMEMBER BREXIT? That time a Conservative Party directed widespread voter frustration at a single easy scapegoat, smothered the public with misinformation, and were rewarded with their biggest electoral victory in decades? Something similar is happening today in Canada.
The scapegoat this time is the “carbon tax.” That’s actually just one part of a complex carbon-pricing policy that imposes a fuel charge on consumers and industry alike while delivering a rebate directly to most Canadians. The principle is simple: raise the cost of something and people find ways to use less of it. But it’s also ripe for slander, because the fine print is so complicated: the amount you pay and are reimbursed depends on where you live, how much you make, how big your family is, and what you do for a living. Plus, while the government calls it “carbon pricing,” most people know it simply as a “tax.”
Isn’t Harper the guy who signed away our sovereign mineral and resource rights to a hostile foreign entity?
Is that why we wanted to rename a landfill the Steven Harper Dance and Supper club?
Well, we did get two pandas. At least there’s that.
So you see how someone that was too crazy for him might not be someone you want to say is just like him