You will be no better than the people you’ll fight against. I’ve seen it happen on every pro-men subreddit, and if this place isn’t aggressively moderated to dispel hopelessness, negativity, and prejudice, it’ll just turn into hate.

Incel, mens-rights activist, red-pill, black-pill, MGTOW, etc. don’t let the haters join otherwise this community will end up just like the aforementioned.

Egalitarian from a male perspective is what we should be, not pro-male (I say male because of sex and gender).

Be excellent to each other.

    2 years ago

    The label “feminism” refers to a massive, multifaceted, many-decades-long field of study and discourse, full of differing perspectives and internal disagreements and discussions.

    But they all agree to at the very least use wording to imply that men are to blame for everything.

    And while it’s true that different factions will have different perspectives, the one perspective that is never properly accounted for is the one of self-respecting men.

    So while it’s impossible to nail down a clear and complete position held by Feminism, it’s misandrist impact on society is very clear. This is the natural consequence of constructing an ideology focusing on women’s well being without real concern for men’s wellbeing for decades.