You will be no better than the people you’ll fight against. I’ve seen it happen on every pro-men subreddit, and if this place isn’t aggressively moderated to dispel hopelessness, negativity, and prejudice, it’ll just turn into hate.

Incel, mens-rights activist, red-pill, black-pill, MGTOW, etc. don’t let the haters join otherwise this community will end up just like the aforementioned.

Egalitarian from a male perspective is what we should be, not pro-male (I say male because of sex and gender).

Be excellent to each other.

    2 years ago

    Incels are literally involuntary celibates, which is mostly a situation outside of their control. And it doesn’t say anything about their views on women. That said, many of their forums do contain a lot of misogyny.

    Most incels, I’ve seen, think they’re too “ugly”, short, or autistic to attract a sexual partner. Some of them think only “chads” can attract women (black-pill). I haven’t been on actual incel forums, but inceltear does have misogynistic posts.

    MGTOW in itself is not misogynistic, but it is very present in their online forums.

    I didn’t know their forums were like that.

      2 years ago

      It was very evident on r/MGTOW before that sub got banned. It’s why I distanced LWMA in very strong terms so as to not suffer the same fate.