I know, the post tile is rather bait like, however I wanted to stir discussion amongst you.

As you know I’m a mod of the Linux for Leftists community so it might be quite counter-intuitive that someone knowledgeable on computers and Linux would have an anti-technological position. The thing is, I do not have such a position, that would be anti-Marxist and most importantly: idiotic.

The problems I have with technology stem from capitalism, however that doesn’t change the fact I enjoy using more “outdated” technological solutions to my problems in life and “kkkrapital$m sukkks” is not the discussion I’d like to foster today. I believe as individuals and society we are over reliant on unnecessarily advanced technology and should seek alternatives to distance ourselves from this.

Let me ask you: “How reliant in your day to day life are you on your smartphone?”

The question is more in the likes of, how many of your previous devices or items have been replaced by it? For example a watch, a timer, an alarm, a calculator, a payment method, a music player, a news reader, a video device and more.

It’s an everything machine, and when it fails you that’s when you essentially lose access to everything. Even if I buy a ticket online, you bet I’m printing it out just for that added feeling of security. I’ve always been the type of person that likes my devices to be very redundant, so that when one fails me I can either easily replace or repair it. I also like for my devices to be reliant and durable as well as well made for the purpose they are meant to serve.

I have what I would like to call a functionally minimalist mindset. That’s why I have problems with computers and smartphones as they are not only everything machines for most, they are slowly getting worse for the mainstream and a revolution isn’t coming soon.

So what do I do? Lifestylism lmao

Something that helps me not only enforce a reliability in my life, but also ground it in the real world as with every future year we are more and more pushed into the digital. Unfortunately capitalism has made the digital not a liberating power, but a force of alienation and control. Thus I try to distance myself very much from social media, and I’ve been doing it quite well. Since 2013 or 2014 as quite a young idiot I made a smart decision. “Social media sucks”, and I’ve never managed to get into Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat and the like.

Only recently have I’ve gotten into any kind of social media, like Reddit or now Lemmygrad. But that is because of you my lovely comrades. You made the places worth registering to. Thank you.

But returning, I also have a certain love for the material. Something I can touch, inspect, smell and admire for it’s craftsmanship. I own several purely mechanical machines that have been well replaced by the digital. I also have old digital machines that are also what I like to call fictionally minimalist. Like a Casio F-91W watch or a TI-82 graphic calculator. (Solid things, they don’t make now 'em like they used to.) An addiator, a mechanical wind-up watch (I still prefer my Casio F-91W) and get this. Six typewriters. I have somewhat of addiction to them.

I have to say, all of these have made my life not just more cluttered. But more “real”. I can’t describe it, but interacting with them feels more authentic than interacting with a smartphone or even a laptop. There is just something about them that allows me not just distraction free work, but a focused mindset on task I’ve set in front of me. They make my life weirdly enough, easier.

I’ve found myself gravitating more and more to these low tech solutions, not just because of interest of curiosity. But real genuine desire to actually use them on a day to day basis.

Do you find yourself having similar experiences when it comes to technology? That it has been more of a hindrance than a help to whatever you are trying to do?

(Excuse me if the post lacks structure or sense. I’ve yet to get good at proper writing, and not just streams of thoughts.)

EDIT: It seems this post garnered a few downvotes. Please, leave a comment! Let the struggle session begin!

  • Chay ☭@lemmygrad.ml
    1 year ago

    I try to be as minimalist as possible about the digital software I use and to only use it as a tool, not as endless entertainment. I run a custom dwm, along with CLI only software, my only GUI software is Firefox. I don’t use social media whatsoever, aside from Lemmygrad.

    For a while I was on the Gemini protocol, liking the simple aspect of it. Though, it’s become way too reactionary, it’s filled with conservatives debating white genocide and so on. I did find Carl Newport’s Digital Minimalism book of help, though in some aspects it was too bland in my opinion.

    Like you said, at the moment we should change how we approach technology itself, and we shouldn’t do it as everything devices. I can hardly focus when I’m not reading on my eBook reader, I don’t even use addictive services. I can use just fine an early 2010s laptop as my main computer, though I can’t come here because the browser lags too much. Everything else is quite good in my case, and it fits my writing needs nicely.

    Speaking of analog devices that were replaced by phones, I very much enjoy analog watches. Not the fancy, shiny ones, but normal watches. They’re much more practical than any phone for checking the clock in my opinion. I also own a calculator that’s solar powered, and it’s a great experience.

    Yeah I definitely saw what you mean, much of the Linux, Small Web, etc. is very anti-technology and goes reactionary most of the time. Partly cause it’s full of conservatives. I criticise new useless technology such as Smart TVs because it’s capitalism’s way of “innovation” that is predatory, not because new = bad. Too bad there aren’t more leftists in the FOSS communities, though.

    • Łumało [he/him]@lemmygrad.mlOP
      1 year ago

      Ah, digitally I also tried to be very minimalist by also using only CLI software and running a tiling window manager (sometimes i3 and sometimes dwm). I’ve only recently returned to XFCE as I find it rather simple for a DE and really love it for what it is, something just makes me return to it since we met back in 2016. I really love it, and being relatively hassle free when it comes to configuration has me won over. Sorry, I love the customization a CLI program allows, but I sometimes could use the mouse support or unified theming of GTK that I can easily swap with a singular click.

      I also have tried the Gemini and Gopher protocols but haven’t found much worth being posted there… I’m currently planning (key word, planning) on writing a Small Web guide and creating a dedicated Small Web community as I would really like to foster these ideas around people. I also have plans of creating a website that would be available on HTTP, Gopher and Gemini and my target browser is Dillo+. I’ll share more information when I get to it, sooooo yeah. Be sure to be veeeeeery patient…

      I’m glad that you are also an analog technology enjoyer, there’s just something else to these devices that smartphones and computers cannot really provide. It’s quite an amazing feeling I like to share with the people I meet, not many people have seen, not even typed, on a typewriter. Sharing the magic is the least I could do.

      Yeah I definitely saw what you mean, much of the Linux, Small Web, etc. is very anti-technology and goes reactionary most of the time. Partly cause it’s full of conservatives.

      Yeah 4chan’s /g/ is exactly like that, they were the guys that got me to read the Unabomber Manifesto. And even back in my worse days I knew Kaczyński was batshit insane, couldn’t really believe people would unironically try and spread his idiotic message.

      I criticise new useless technology such as Smart TVs because it’s capitalism’s way of “innovation” that is predatory, not because new = bad.

      And correctly so! My TV is a CRT and it works just fine. And also is a reason why I don’t really care for 4k Ultra HD torrents and just settle for 720p (Remember when 720p was called HD? I sure do). Bruh even standard resolution, known as 480p, is prefect enough for me lmao.

      Too bad there aren’t more leftists in the FOSS communities, though.

      Look around, they are making your software! Not fanboying about it on reactionary internet forums or shilling shitcoins B)

      That at least counts for something and if anything, I can 100% say this with full confidence, and I know she won’t read this but…

      Leah Rowe, you were influential in saving me from becoming a disgusting piece of shit. Thank you. It means the world to me.

      • Chay ☭@lemmygrad.ml
        1 year ago

        Xfce is nice! I used it myself for a while, though I came back to tiling, I found it too inefficient. With a twm I can use my computer at the speed I like. I run myself a Gemini capsule and Gopherhole for quite a while now, I could give you more information if you wish!

        Speaking of small web communities, check out: https://yesterweb.org. You probably know them, but they recently shut down and put out an amazing manifesto of how to grow a community, you should definitely read it. The admins were also Marxists.

        I’m glad that you are also an analog technology enjoyer, there’s just something else to these devices that smartphones and computers cannot really provide. It’s quite an amazing feeling I like to share with the people I meet, not many people have seen, not even typed, on a typewriter. Sharing the magic is the least I could do. I sadly haven’t tried a typewrtier… yet. I’ll see if I can get my hands on one, though the simple editing that you do digitally when writing is unbeatable.

        Yeah 4chan’s /g/ is exactly like that, they were the guys that got me to read the Unabomber Manifesto. And even back in my worse days I knew Kaczyński was batshit insane, couldn’t really believe people would unironically try and spread his idiotic message. Look at Luke Smith and how he praises the Unabomber and other such figures, even has a video saying imagination is demonic, lol. Same with DistroTube, both are far-righters.

        And correctly so! My TV is a CRT and it works just fine. And also is a reason why I don’t really care for 4k Ultra HD torrents and just settle for 720p (Remember when 720p was called HD? I sure do). Bruh even standard resolution, known as 480p, is prefect enough for me lmao. Yeah there’s a constant competition of “MORE PIXELS! MORE QUALITY!” but it’s barely distinguishable on an average screen. It’s just the techbro conception of “progress”

        Look around, they are making your software! Not fanboying about it on reactionary internet forums or shilling shitcoins B) Haha, fair

        Edit: Thanks for linking me to Dillo! I’ll check it out. I have experience hosting things, so I could help you, if you want to make something like a community or whatever, if you want.

        • Łumało [he/him]@lemmygrad.mlOP
          1 year ago


          Now that’s something I haven’t heard of! Thank you for mentioning it, I’ll definitely look into it!

          Also you are quoting me wrong, you should add an additional line after the quote to fix it xd

          I sadly haven’t tried a typewrtier… yet. I’ll see if I can get my hands on one, though the simple editing that you do digitally when writing is unbeatable.

          I think more and pace myself better when typing on a typewriter, I also look out more for mistakes and generally think a lot before I lay it down on paper. It’s a different mode of production you could say, but yes. The versatility of the text editor or word processor is simply unmatched in the modern world. I just like the limitations and requirements that the typewriters put on me.

          Look at Luke Smith and how he praises the Unabomber and other such figures, even has a video saying imagination is demonic, lol. Same with DistroTube, both are far-righters.

          It’s hard to say the first didn’t influence me, he was one of the few who made Linux videos in 2016 and 2017, before Youtube Linux really blew up. So unfortunately he was the guy I looked up to. Yeaaaahhh… Quite a shameful past, but I’m not afraid to admit it. Luke is the premier petit bougie sympathiser… „Oh you rent? Just buy land soycuck!”. What a fucking moron.

          Yeah there’s a constant competition of “MORE PIXELS! MORE QUALITY!” but it’s barely distinguishable on an average screen. It’s just the techbro conception of “progress”

          Progress means better treats. That’s unfortunately the mindset of every anti-PRL idiot born in the 1970’s. They didn’t have jeans, Sony, Philips, Nintendo or other shit. Who fucking cares they’ve had guaranteed education, work, housing, high quality healthcare and more. Now that it’s all collapsing it’s just an inconvenience as long as they can keep their white BMW SUV. Fucking hell.

          Haha, fair


          Also keep in mind, the Dillo+ I linked is a fork of standard Dillo. It add more features including support for Gopher and Gemini. Also thank you for wanting to help me! While UNIX like operating systems is something I pretty much mastered as I’ve got 7 years of experience as a day to day user, hosting is something I’ve yet to get into. I’ll try to figure things out as I go and maybe I’ll nag you when shit hits the fan lmao