Does anyone have any predictions for the xbox showcase this weekend? I have my fingers crossed for a Quake reveal from id.
I just want to see Fable gameplay. I know they said only gameplay trailers which I love, but just some kind of Fable. For sure a good chunk of it will be StarField which I’m not against
Some people think they have been hinting about Fable being at this show. Its been 3 years since it was announced, and it was rumored to be worked on for a while prior to that, so that could put it in a next year release time frame.
I think the fable theory is sound. I was just listening to a podcast and they were saying that one of the Xbox team people posted a teaser that showed the fable breadcrumbs leading to the showcase or something like that.
Would be cool to get a fable collection too. I know there was chatter of another master chief collection style thing last year. Fable or gears would probably fit best with that.
i’m really hoping for anything related to Hellblade II. i’m not hopeful enough that we’ll see it release this year, but even just a little bit of gameplay would be awesome
I think it has to be getting a release date soon. No time like their showcase this weekend. It will probably have the highest viewership of any of their own events this year.
If Cities Skylines 2 could be featured I’d be extremely happy.
Well, it was there