They recovered four, three of them AT the crash sites! How. The black boxes didn’t even survive. cat-confused

  • Frank [he/him, he/him]
    11 months ago

    I spent, literally, twenty years refusing to go through Chertoff’s milimeter scanners hoping that a tall white guy getting frisked might, idk, make someone wonder why this was all happening, how it became normal. Spent a decade with people looking at me like I was a crank as I ranted about how the TSA was a massive expansion of federal power, the first time most people came in to regular contact with a federal law enforcement agency. How it was all completely useless security theater that amounted to little more than a jobs program wrapped around an extension of the police state. It’s all so goddamn frustrating, and now there’s a whole generation of kids who don’t remember anything else. We used to be able to go to the gate, greet our families as they got off the plane. It all sucks so much.