As my workplace has a busy week all this week, I fear the inevitable flood of ableism my co-workers are gonna put me through. Too often they’ve scolded me for my ADHD symptoms like being out of my desk to walk around, staring off into space, not focusing, or fidgeting with stuff. And their responses have been terrible; they’ve ranged from stuff like barring my exit, telling me to “focus”, threatening to cut my pay or fire me, etc. And since I have autism, I end up being so overwhelmed that I go into a crying fit or meltdown, and they always threaten to remove me because I’m “being disruptive”. Perhaps I should quit at the rate things are going. Having to suffer through so much ableist stuff is getting to me at this rate…


  • joulethief
    2 个月前

    The way you describe your work environment makes it sound like you should look out for another gig asap. You shouldn’t have to go through this. Though you’re probably american and I’m european, so take this advice with a large grain of salt as I’m not sure of what opportunities you have in this regard.