Sorry for the infrequent posts. I lost my job and am trying to move out to Cleveland. Add some other personal stuff to the mix and it has been a rough month for me.

But these are a gift for my best friend’s birthday this weekend. She’s an absolute coffee fiend. I’m not big on tropical flavors at all so I’m not really impressed by them, but here’s hoping she likes them.

Notes from baking these, but my powdered egg substitute was not useful. I had a lot of issue gettting the dough to come together and ended up using way more oil than is usually necessary for biscotti. They al holding shape, but they were definitely more crumbly than i was originally hoping for.

  • NellyAdagio
    9 months ago

    Those biscotti look great! I absolutely love the really crumbly ones. Good look with moving and finding a new job!