It’s a critical materialist look at the war in Ukraine, and focuses on how people (like me) in the west can maximize our aid to the innocent people trapped in this war. I’m going to try to turn it into a youtube video in the coming days.

If you have liberal friends on facebook who might positively respond to a gentle reminder that our paths of direct action aren’t limited to just sending a few bucks overseas, I hope you’ll consider sharing this. Also thank you so much to those of you who do continue to send aid to reputable humanitarian organizations. Personally I refuse to donate to the military because I can’t in good conscious send money to a fund that will directly arm the Amov nazis, because I’ll bet anything that when the dust settles on the Russian invasion, a sectarian civil war is what comes next.

Edit: Also every time I try to read this piece I fucking hate it, because I know the audience I’m addressing is lib-pilled. If you have any suggestions on how I could improve it, I totally encourage your critical feedback.

Fuck imperialism and fuck war… I love you guys

  • Wheaties [she/her]
    3 years ago

    Every conflict ends in some kind of negotiation, so let’s skip the prolonged bloodletting, save countless lives and get to it, already.

    I love this and will probably use it myself in person.

    …the fact that Putin is acting in a way that looks pretty similar to what a US president would historically do — only needs to be construed as apologia if you can’t bring yourself to criticize war crimes regardless of who is committing them.

    :this: x :10000-com: