For the last few years I’ve been using the Bear app on my Mac devices, but it hasn’t been updated for a year, so I’m looking for an alternative.

What do you use to get inspiration and how? Do you collect inspiration at all, or do you doom-scroll through inspiration sites? If so, where? :)

    1 year ago

    I’m not familiar with Bear but it looks kinda similar to Notion. I really love the databases that you can make in Notion, which is primarily what I use it for. It does have some annoying shortcomings though, and figuring out how to do things can be less than intuitive at times IMO. I see Obsidian recommended a lot too, but I haven’t used it personally since I think you have to pay for syncing.

    I don’t use Notion for collecting inspiration though, I just use Pinterest for that. I couldn’t find an alternative that I liked that had a moodboard-type layout and was accessible on iOS and PC.

      1 year ago

      You can pay for simpler sync, but I use obsidian with syncthing/git, no subscription required, works fine with the mobile app.

      Tbh I think obsidian and notion fill different needs. Obsidian is text-first (markdown), doesn’t have the same feature rich blocks that notion does. That’s a good thing and a bad thing, depending on how reactive you want stuff to be. The equivalent to databases is junkies and through a plug in.