Seevetal Germany DB Cargo AG Werk Maschen
Going to Hamburg by train or leaving it towards south, you’ll always pass this station, I think. Also very impressive to see.
Some data: Rangierbahnhof Maschen
I swear I was in a tollbooth once that was the same width and number of lanes.
wow! could you share a location or even better a screenshot from google maps? I more or less accidentally found this one, looking for cool places to get this community started. But I am sure that there are much more impressive places to find around the world!
Just a joke about how large tollbooth plazas are getting. However i do remember seeing a chinese plaza that was stupid big.
Photo below
So I think I count about 114 tracks there, and if Wikipedia is anything to go by it has 145
Google maps is not always up to date. Some of its images are years old. Maybe they have added more since this satellite passed over that spot?
Wow, and I thought i had some crazy stations in OpenTTD.