The reason why that Muslims have more children than other religious groups and non-religious people makes anxious is because it makes scared that they’ll become the majority of the population.

And I don’t want them to become the majority of the world because… well, I hope what I’m saying is not Muslimophobic but–most Muslims tend to be assholes who are homophobic, sexist, and bigoted towards other religious groups and non-religious people.

(If I’m wrong about anything here, I would appreciate it if you tell me.)

EDIT: I’m sorry for my bigotry. I was mainly talking about the ones from the middle east–since that’s where most these negative traits I’ve listed are–and I’m overly anxious.

    1 month ago

    Look, it’s a valid vent. I don’t agree with it, but it’s a valid vent.

    But I gotta be real with you, if you think Muslims are the only problem, you’ve had a very limited exposure to religion.

    You also underestimate the hegemony Christianity still has on world affairs. It’s the default for so many things in western (read: most of Europe, the US and Canada) thought and policy. The world is still largely run by religious fruitcakes. As opposed to people that aren’t fruitcakes, and happen to be religious.

    Hell, if you really wanna be scared of something that could happen in your lifetime, look at the bullshit being pulled here in the states. Imagine that hate filled bullshit being exported. If Islam spreads via reproduction in numbers, it won’t reach dominance across the entire world until long after we’re both dead and dust. You could see a christo-fascist regime spread in the next decade. Or not, I ain’t a magic 8ball.