A classic example of how this puzzle’s America-centricism can be a problem for those of us from other places. I’ve heard of the Windy City and Sin City, but not the other two. I would guess Motor City is meant to be Detroit? Couldn’t even begin to guess what Magic City is.
Puzzle #378
A classic example of how this puzzle’s America-centricism can be a problem for those of us from other places. I’ve heard of the Windy City and Sin City, but not the other two. I would guess Motor City is meant to be Detroit? Couldn’t even begin to guess what Magic City is.
spoiler It's Miami. And you're right about Detroit. That's also how Motown Records got its name. :::
oh, I looked it up and thought it was Birmingham, AL
Tap for spoiler
I had “motor city” but didn’t clock the others. (Also thought Motor pool? maybe connected to like water etc?)