So I’m pretty recent to the high seas but I’ve seen a few posts now about “stop relying on your VPN” and “people that think VPNs will protect them are naive” and so on.

So since I believe knowledge is our greatest weapon/tool/super-power, can we get some answers regarding what exactly the doomsayers are getting at? ELI5 why VPNs wouldn’t protect your anonymity.

Is it about logging? The country your end-point is in? Something more technical?

Ultimately I’d like to be fully armed in order to keep making the best choices for my fledgling ship as it navigates the vast, stormy seas.

    1 year ago

    I’m saying that its better to use VPN than nothing at all, and that its safer to use VPN from another country. But no of course no one is safe 100% all the time. But this is one of the best ways anyone can protect themselfs. And no US don’t have juristictions in all countries especially outside those organizations mantioned. MITM attacks or reserve engineering possible, but highly unlikely and MITM attack against AES-256 won’t do much at all. So total anonymity is very hard to achive but possible and many do it on daily basis.