More money in the pockets of entry-level workers sounds great, but Rachel Greszler of the conservative Heritage Foundation argues that such workers, and the economy writ large, are hurt more than helped by increases in the minimum wage.
Minimum wage is a crappy way to improve wages. The better option are well regulated trade and labor unions, and mandatory labor representation. But since this is America, we’ve got a minimum wage, and that’s about the best we’re going to get.
@jimbolauski@Skyrmir It seems less than democratic to me that employees who voted in a union many decades ago got to have the final say in whether people who work there generations later are unionized.
Minimum wage is a crappy way to improve wages. The better option are well regulated trade and labor unions, and mandatory labor representation. But since this is America, we’ve got a minimum wage, and that’s about the best we’re going to get.
Mandatory labor representation is a terrible idea, a union will have no motivation to work to better lives of the employees.
A union is only beholden to the employees rather than management.
A union where employees are forced to join is beholden to no-one
Except the people that elect it’s leaders, which would be the employees.
There is no requirement for union reps to be elected
@jimbolauski @Skyrmir It seems less than democratic to me that employees who voted in a union many decades ago got to have the final say in whether people who work there generations later are unionized.
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