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The original was posted on /r/linux_gaming by /u/arni_ca on 2024-07-24 15:14:01+00:00.

hey people, just encountered a weird problem and while i fixed it so i don’t need any help, i was curious on people’s experiences

i recently upgraded to the 6.8 kernel from the Linux Mint update manager and tried launching Monster Hunter : World just now. for some reason, vulkan shaders want to be re-downloaded as i launch the game.

they take a ton of time so i decide to skip them and then the game just has like 3 fps and slows my entire system down to ridiculous levels. i had some problems with my system freezing while playing another game so i thought that was really weird, and the only meaningful change i did to my system was upgrading my kernel and upgrading the CPU power profile to “performance” (i never noticed the one time i did that change it didn’t register permanently, somehow lol).

i downgrade the kernel and magically, monster hunter world is smooth as butter!! did not test out monster hunter rise which was the aforementioned game that would make my whole system freeze for seemingly no reason, but i wonder if that would also be fixed. (maybe worth noting that vulkan shaders wanted to also re-download when i downgraded back to 6.5 and launched MHWorld, but the prompt popped up for barely a second or two and so the process was seemingly instant, quickly booting up the game afterwards)

has anyone else encountered problems with the 6.8 kernel while gaming? i had 6.8.0-38 specifically but maybe some people had problems with just this kernel in specific and no others or etc. was curious in case i wasn’t the only one

here are my ProtonDB specs as a hyperlink, in case there’s a known mismatch between 6.8 and one of my specs that i wouldn’t be aware of

hope everyone’s doing well, and cheers :)