This is bullshit. Apply spend 30 minutes doing assignments and when you get text saying congratulations they want to interview you think you get an interview.

This probably one of those fake job postings I heard about. Pisses me off. Haven’t had to look for work in over 5 years and now I am stuck applying for shit jobs. There no normall way to find work these days.

Even was told now companies use “AI” to filter out resumes before a human even sees it.

Edit: Reached HR and they explained that it’s not a mistake. They really do it this way. Apparently when Autumn Lyons wants to interview me it is fake because it’s sent to thousands of people and they have only so many slots.

It suggested that I check the link several times a day until a slot comes available.

Well I am not playing that fucking game. You want to interview me then do so. Fucking assholes.

    3 months ago

    I just got a job at a place that does batch interviews. You go through the process, then they tell you they want to do an interview. You get a text or email with slots available and you and every other applicant fights for one of 50 interview slots available.

    It’s a competitive job so you have to click the link within 5 minutes or you don’t get a slot.

    I missed the first one (slots were all full) but I got the second round. Came in with all the other applicants, did the interview, got hired.

    It’s certainly degrading and dehumanizing to go through this process, but for companies who have tons of applicants, they can get away with it.