In a shocking incident, an accident occurred after a speeding car collided with a divider in Uttar Pradesh’s Kanpur. When the locals ran towards the car to check and help the accident victims, they were stunned to find that there were two boys naked and a woman in a semi-naked state with four children onboard the vehicle. The accident occurred while they were performing threesome sex inside the speeding car. There are also reports that the boys who were found naked were under the influence of alcohol.

The incident occurred on Saturday (July 27) night near near JK Chauraha which falls under the Jajmau Police Station area. The girl was reportedly having sex with both the boys simultaneously inside the speeding car in front of the children. The locals also found bottles of alcohol and also other objectionable materials from inside the car. The woman and the children suffered injuries in the accident and were sent to the hospital for treatment.

The police said that the boys and the girl were drunk. They were drinking and were engaging in physical relation while the car was moving and the accident occurred. The height of shamelessness in that there were four kids onboard the car and they were having sex in front of them.

  • ᴇᴍᴘᴇʀᴏʀ 帝@feddit.ukOPM
    2 months ago

    That’s… a lot. Even then, it isn’t clear who was driving.

    Note: the video is from later on, not of whatever mayhem was happening in the car before the crash.

    2 months ago

    Woman involved in crash with six children, while having sex with two of them.

    Until I get more details on the difference between “youths” and “children” I’m gonna stick with the above interpretation.