Latest MuseScore 3 is mean to me about saving. I have to Save As everytime and half the time it gets weird about playback afterwards so I have to close it out and reopen.

Updated to MuseScore 4 and to be honest I forget most of my grievances with it beyond a playback issue with some weird thing I did, but it also bothered me enough to run crying back into the arms of MuseScore 3 (thank you Internet Archive). It was probably something about formatting which is ironic considering all the engraving improvements they made. Considering an alternative after using MuseScore for most of my life. What do yall use?

And literally just after posting this I remembered LilyPond, which a friend told me about awhile back. Never really checked it out. It’s free though!

    2 months ago

    I have no idea if this is relevant considering my last experience with it was at least 20 years ago, but I used to use Finale. I came across some old files a couple of months ago and realized that I’ll probably never be able to open them again lol.