
  • decadentrebel@lemmy.worldOPM
    6 months ago


    I’ve been recording since the 90s, so I don’t think anyone inspired me to do what would later be defined as “archiving”. The idea of digitizing and posting on the internet however, I credit to a guy named “fiscaplyder”. He would share old commercials as early as 2003 in PinoyExchange, and you can clearly see a lot of his uploads being reposted as well as a bevy of impersonators. This inspired me start my own channels like this one from 2006 and then another called Marikinadono in 2007 which has since been shut down after I got busy and forgot about it entirely.

    Then more than a decade later during the pandemic, I decided to open UndustFixation intending to do commentary on batang 90s antiques and old clips. The channel name is a play on the term “unjust vexation” with “Undust” obviously about uncovering and dusting anything old and dirty while “Fixation” comes from being “fixated” about something.

    Those plans fell on the side for a couple of years until I revisited it in late 2023 after a few days in the hospital led to me discovering BuKo Channel. I was like a kid on a candy store seeing episodes of shows that I used to watch or never fully appreciated as a child. I realized, hey, I have tons of this shit just sitting at home. Kind of a waste to let it rot away. The rest was history!